Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My search for a Barbieque image almost satisfied!

Found it via "next blog" button.  The button is located above my blog header on the left hand side listed next to the blogger search bar with other button options.  To find such a find after blogging a few posts ago that I was in search of a Barbieque pic!  This is a Barbieboil?  Cannibal Trolls?  OMG  I guess the thing to do is to produce my own Barbieque pic and while I am at it, my own BarbieKabob, WTF why not just a series of barbie mutilation photos?

Give me some time to dig up some barbies at the thrift store.  I will photo gallery this production on my blog in the near future.  Hopefully before Christmas...

The blog that has this posted is badged below or you can use the side bar badge I also have.   It is a personal blog of a gentleman who likes vintage rock.  I clicked follow because it is a common interest.

Blast From The Past-Blowin' In The WindBlast From The Past-Blowin In The Wind

I do like vintage rock, but one day back in the late 80's I turned the channel.  I heard this band that sounded good, and wondered what it was.  I thought it sounded like an angry Jethro Tull.  It ended up being Metallica!  Oh yeah I liked the speed metal and the emotion in the singing.  It is actually not unlike Jethro Tull.  When Ian Anderson plays the flute they do not edit his deep breaths and you hear this deep groan that I must confess in my youth it was sort of a turn on.  His British accent sweat and a grunt for breath...hey that all it took back in the day when my blossoms were fresh,sweet and vibrant!

The part with the gasping and moaning starts with the flute solo on this album version of "Locomotive Breath" around 2:45 into the video.

In my search for embeds of Metallica and Jethro Tull I found this awesome animation.
I love animation because it is art in motion.  YouTube is hard to navigate for specific genre.
I suggest to click this link for Aniboom to see some great animation creations.  They also have some great competitions.  You will see a runner up for the In Rainbows Animated Video Competition included below as well.  I like RadioHead..  I like the song.  Check it out!

Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at Aniboom

and that is where my surfing took me today....

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