Saturday, September 25, 2010

Practical Magic Blog Partying!


I am so happy to participate in the PMBP.  I loved blog spying on the many witchy, crafty, magical, and all so artsy blogs.  I don't want to miss any of them.  I have learned a thing or two as well.  Thank you for being there!  Thank you for stopping by my blog, as well! I have found a font of romantics and I am smiling slowly as I appreciate the blogs I have spied.

The movie "Practical Magic" is the topic of this blog post for the purposes of the "Practical Magic Blog Party".

The movie starts out with the two major characters Sally and Gillian Owens, two young girls heir to a family curse started by their ancestor Maria who was also the progenitor of their special gift-Magic.

Maria was persecuted and almost hanged, but magic set her free. She was banished to the island where the movie takes place, left waiting for the father of her unborn child. Angered and heartbroken that her lover had left her alone, Maria casts a spell upon herself to never fall in love again. So powerful was her magic and so intense her sadness, this spell twist into a curse for all the women in her family. Any man who fell in love with an Owen woman would die.
 Historically, love and passion have represented strong mojo!  True love being the most desired and imagined.

some how the video that is embedded here is now blocked. It seems that using movie clips is being better controlled now a days. YouTube has the video I posted here, but it is not embeddable.

T R U E   L O V E    /    A M A S   V E R I T A S

1.  The Moon

The moon has a powerful allure -- it is full of beauty, legend, myth and romance.
Age old magic in the promise of love has it's varied incantations that need to be in place upon the New Moon.  This magic is imagined that the moon (dark) that has no face is symbolic of the mystery of the face of one's love that will become shown as in the waxing of the Moon.
Wiccan belief keeps in line with this folklore.  Performance of the New Moon Ritual helps manifest that which is desired.  It is considered a time of recharging and new beginnings.

Many a mother has passed on the following ritual whether she be a witch or not:

Young girls would upon first gaze repeat a poem in anticipation of true love or hold a pebble while reciting and then put it under their pillow.
    New moon, moon,
    Hail unto thee!
    In my sleep upon my bed,
    May the one I am to wed
    In my dreams smile on me.
(this following one my mother taught my sister and I)

             New moon, true moon, true and trusty,
            Tell me who my true love must be.

(strangely enough as I read this next one, a bird was crying out)
New moon, new moon, true and bright,
If I have a lover let me dream of him tonight.
If I am to marry far, let me hear a bird cry;
If I am to marry near, let me hear a cow low;
If I am to marry never, let me hear a hammer knock.
(and it happened again as I previewed and read it!)

2.  The Kiss

Every young girl is just a princess wishing for the enchantment of True Love and Happily Ever After.
Even the strongest of sorceress has no power over the magic of  True Love's Kiss.

Some added folklore trivia about kisses: 
For a girl to meet her sweetheart or to kiss him for the first time under the light of a new moon is considered to be exceptionally lucky, for it means that she will soon become his bride, that their marriage will be blessed with undying love, and that neither of them will know the pinch of poverty.

* A kiss on the forehead means that he respects your intellect.
* A kiss on the cheek - admiration of beauty.
* A kiss on nose - awkwardness.
* A kiss on chin shows that he appreciates something you did.
* A kiss on hand shows timidity and homage.
* A kiss on lips signifies love.
* A short kiss means carelessness.
* All who kiss the bride after the ceremony and before the husband does again will have good luck for entire year.
* If two brides kiss at their first meeting after marriage, their wedded lives will be full of happiness.

Love and the desire for True Love/ Amas Veritas is magic in itself. 

*Thanks to the "Google Image Search" for the availability of images to make my blog possible.  I am using these images in good intention and not claiming ownership.
*Most images are linked to the source as a courtesy to the owners.
*Thanks to "Fliiby" for an embeddable Practical Magic movie clip.
*Thank to the Practical Magic Party Hostess "La Boheme Magique" I had a very good friend in high school named Justina.   I am on a god awful diet, and those Chocolate Mint Chip Cookies will be my holiday cheat treats soon to come!

Stir the caulderon with your witchy cursor
then tap it to return to the party links!

Practical Magic Blog Party


Bluezy said...

I had a fair amount of comments here until I changed my template.
I really enjoyed this blog party and the nice things commented here.

Lynda said...

Yay! That was fun :) I loved reading about the luck and the moon..and all the kiss info :) Thanks for sharing! Magically best wishes to you :)