Thursday, August 25, 2011


As I crawled the Virtual Dumpster I call The Internet...

So sorry. I have been recovering from my scooter accident. I had a complication just as the upper road rash was healing, the lower road rash was just concealing an infection that later went wild. I have had to go get intravenous antibiotic treatments daily and stay off the leg.

I have been watching a lot of movies.  In Kung Fu Panda 2...I had seen the voice list after watching it and as I watched it, I really did not think of trying to match the voices without knowing. It is so cool that super star actors are involved in animation. You know that for years I have watched cartoons never thinking of the voices behind them...They would do it a little, but now a days animated movies are top ticket sales in the theaters and it is happening a lot. I will have to remember to play the who's voice it that game next one I see. Actually I did it with "Zookeeper" and thought say what? Stallone and Cher? Yep!

What impressed me on this one is that the Viper is Lucy Liu, Tigress is Angelina Jolie, Crane is David Cross (knew the face not the name had to google), Monkey is Jackie Chan, Mantis is Seth Rogen. Of course Jack Black is Po the Panda...but Dustin Hoffman is the master Shifu.  I really liked the Turtle master in the first one...."Oogway" which is Mandarin for tortoise. My favorite quote from there is from Master Oogway:
"Yesterday is History.
The future is a mystery.
And Today is a gift.
That is why it is called Present"

Min Xiao-Fen Blue Trio plays bluegrass on YouTube

The Chinese culture is full of proverbs. Many make for witty simple truths yet said poetically. Their "ancient medicine" and herbalism is all a rage in the holistic forums...The martial arts and the Buddhist ways...are ancient and seemingly romantic.

Yet...I posted about the dog eating scandal this year where 500 dogs destined for market were saved....
I also posted the link on Life magazine"s slide show with captions explaining called "Banned In China

And because it is what I do....I Googled "banned in China" and got about 117,000,000 results (0.12 seconds)

It is an interesting browse on what is reported "banned in China" that is too numerous to recount on the Dumpster Dive. Spent some time here and there on it.

Even with this in mind...the loafy hills and the green terrain...Kung Fu Masters...and pipa music while western culture crunches on spring rolls and slurps lo mein with festive little sticks and a cookie that has your lotto numbers on so soothing.  And I love all the Kung Fu movies.  I remember when I was young I loved to watch them on the channel that featured them on I think it was Saturday!

Recovering from my scooter spill, I have seen many a movie and following some old TV missed...I come across this 1997 movie with Richard Gere on NetFlix

With the gerbil long forgotten...I still think he is an amicable sort of  actor. I enjoyed this movie.

I need to keep my foot elevated, so not so long on typing....hope all are enjoying the summer.

Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pop Culture

As I crawled the Virtual Dumpster I call The Internet...

Rumors have been out since the beginning of the year!  It has been recently confirmed. Mike Judge is creating NEW Beavis and Butthead videos! There were just not enough Cornholio episodes...

Theme song by Mike Judge..and voices as well...

Which picture is correct?

My daughter had bought me an AC/DC t-shirt that was on sale at Hot Topic for $5.99 last month to celebrate my weight loss to a size 2xl T shirt (with out a stretch). It made me think of Beavis and Butthead and I wondered which of the two actually wore the AC/DC T?
I went to Hot Topic to check out the buy one get one free sale. I asked the tattooed and pierced middle aged cashier if she knew which is the Metallica Fan Beavis or Butthead? She did not know. And she was not sure which was the blond.
What has become of the help at Hot Topic? And their website is pretty generic. The sales at the mall are actually amazing these days trying to get people back into the mall.

I noticed at Hot Topic that the T shirt wall is sizing down and the sale is way generous considering...yet the quality of the T-shirt varies. I finally bought a Superman Icon in red. I like that icon. It is an "S" and my name begins with it. And the classic Misfit's T Shirt.
In fiscal 2010, HOTT(Hot Topic)  posted net sales of $708 million and a net income loss of $8.2 million. Like other retailers, HOTT has struggled to improve profit margins and maintain their customer base during and following the 2008-2009 U.S. Recession. In addition, HOTT's dependence on the downtrodden California economy has further put the retailer behind. California still has a $20 billion deficit, which will cause HOTT to continue to underperform until it can deleverage its dependence on the California economy. Since HOTT sales are highly correlated to the success of music-inspired apparel, its success is affected by changing fashion trends. [from Wikinvest]
I dunno..I think that there is more than all that to their losses. Again quality opposed to product price. And who IS wearing music T-shirts? Not to mention so many other mall stores with trendy stuff.  And I remember this diehard concert T-shirt couple that were like T-shirt snobs and would always ask "Did you go to the concert"? when they would see you wearing a rock T-Shirt. (She was such a reformed druggie bitch).

So it prompted me to Google "pop culture t shirts" I got about 12,400,000 results (0.20 seconds).

I then realized that it was more aptly called geek t-shirts... and very sad that the one below is sold out. LOL!


to straighten up who is who heheheheh

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mad City Memories

As I crawl The Virtual Dumpster I call The Internet...

I spent some time browsing YouTube to make a playlist. I decided to make a Bowie Vs. Marilyn Manson playlist to listen to whilst I did some housework. I was feeling sort of in the mood for freaky old and freaky new. I was listening to "Ziggy Stardust" one of my favs and had a mental flashback of Bowie discovery back in the day and going to the movie "The Man Who Fell To Earth". How simple I was then and most likely stoned. Ziggy was not part of the movie...but enjoy it while you are here.

I am sure that this was disappointing to me as a young virgin, but shit for someone who is older than Cable TV...I didn't see much skin or organs on film or TV.But I could buy booze at 18, man!
I remember the theater it was playing at was downtown Madison, Wisconsin (Mad City)  right on the square. I think they tore it down. This one looks like it. You all might be familiar with what the square looks like now with all the Teacher protests gone on recently this year.

 You learn the meaning of the above word and how to spell it in like 2nd grade.

I did hella fishing with my dad. Funny that this picture of WI fish does not have a big ass carp on it. There was never a hard time finding a quick place to drop a line.

There are a few YouTube videos about a place we used to fish right in the city. If you lived there, you could even take the local bus to the spot. The smallest of the 4 lakes is called Wingra. It has a small beach and across from it was a public zoo. It has been renovated. It used to just be stone with and just off a regular road.

In the summer you could swim and then go for free through the zoo (still wet). In the winter you could go ice skating.

In fact every city park would get the hose out and make an ice rink back then. And in the summer there were many free concerts from local bands.

When we were driving age, we would do the local thing called "Cruising The Square" and just drive round and round the capitol square looking cool and geeking at guys. I would tell my mom that we needed to go to the city library to get a book for school. The library was not very far from the square. I would check out any book and then get in the car my parents foolishly GAVE me a lime metallic 1972 Pinto Roundabout with a jury rigged 8 track in the glove compartment and cheap box home stereo speakers in my hatchback. The mating call of American youth is revving the engine with blasting music. Pink Floyd Darkside of the Moon (most likely) or Ted Nugent Stranglehold with cigarette (and pretty sure some smoke billowing out the windows. 

In 1977, I went to the UW in Madison for a sec. I got a student loan (after my dad already paid my tuition and books) and bought the most pot I had ever seen at that time. A quarter pound. All I did was party and treated it like my last year of high (literally) school not going to class and partying.

A unique thing a friend of mine had discovered was what we called "The Tube".

It was on the third floor of the Science Bldg. A spiral slide fire escape. We would sneak in on it and trip the alarm that goes off when you open the small door and jump in. It was literally a trip. It was on the right hand side and built within the building.

I still hear it from my mom how foolish and stoned I was back then. In 1978, I joined the USAF reserves and remained foolish and stoned for a bit longer. LOL.

Well the fishing memories need to be renewed. I saw a young man fishing just up the road downtown in this town at the falls and he caught a brown trout.  I have my rig in my scooter seat and just waiting for some free time to do it.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Take A Picture!

As I crawled The Virtual Dumpster I call The Internet....

This is one of 103 shadow photos submitted  from a shoot project
@ Gizmodo Photography
 I did not know of photography sites and shoot projects. I wanted this picture to be the thumbnail to my post, so I put it up here first...

What got me started on my crawl today was that I encountered a photographer that does some cool shit. I actually have a friend who did this with their family portrait 25 years later all positioned the same and thought it was cool...but Argentinian photographer Irene Werning has a project of doing that and it looks so awesome! I selected one that I like, but this is a cool OMG LOL browse so go there and check out her "Back To The Future Project" to see the rest.

this is the same person 1987 & 2010!
This one is from Irene's project called "Mi Pelo Largo Querido".
 Just because it is what I do....I Image Googled "award winning photography" and got about 18,400,000 results (0.32 seconds). I am an art image freak when it comes to The Virtual Dumpster I call The Internet. I don't really see enough photography as I like to see painted, drawn or created. Yet when photographers have an exceptional is a good thing to see. I could put a bunch of them on here to share, but I am going to select my own outstanding list of images from memory and random crawling...using my unusual "eye". Please enjoy listening to one of my fave 90's groups-Filter-as you read my post!

This one is from my favorite art share place...

f f by `gnato on deviantART

The one below I posted on my blog after searching "butt crack" back in October 2010
I tried to find it again at better resolution...and no such luck even the source I left has archived it and has no search bar.

Below is a favorite of mine and I can't find who actually took it.
If  your mate, partner or love ones have trouble liking this...I am so sorry. Keep looking!

Then while searching for the above photo, I found this clever posed photo!

So then I decided to Image Google "clever photography ideas" and got about 3,070,000 results (0.26 seconds. Here are my choices:

The two from above come from a blog called Moinid and I found the categories on their sidebar a worth while clicky peeky.

The image below is from a shadow photography contest through  where you can see the ten finalists by clicking the previous link. Hell I did not know About had contests...and the winning one caught my eye on a search. Got lucky on this one. As a poor person...I can't just buy a print and say that is part of my budget, but this one is high res and if we had a Kinkos here...I'd have to try to reproduce a larger copy to hang. I am partial to daisy like flowers. This is a Black Eyed so yeah I guess I like that I share names with a flower but my eyes are brown...
There is a whole category of shadow photography if you image Google it you get about 7,480,000 results (0.39 seconds)! I like this category a lot and clicked many images!

This one below also I picked specially from The Virtual Dumpster is a treasure.It is by  Lubomir Bukov and is called- Shadows of The Past.

This is from Russ And Reyn
Russ and Reyn are a conceptual photography team from NYC and they have a cool cool website that is flash. It is yet another category to google search "conceptual photography".

As I crawl in The Virtual Dumpster I call The Internet....I keep digging and finding soooo sooo much cool shit to look at!

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you are enjoying the summer!