Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Trivial yet majestic In a Nutshell...Notice the date Layne died

Kurt Cobain died April 5, 1994 Yesterday was the anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. I was meaning to post in memory..but got my days all mixed up. Is it already the fucking 6th? Damn!

Layne's death is one of those never forget horror stories of sickness and neglect. 
The news read:
Staley, the band's frontman, died on April 5, 2002, after injecting a mixture of heroin and cocaine. According to Seattle Weekly, the 6'1" rocker weighed just 86 pounds at the time of his death and had apparently been dead for almost two weeks before he was discovered in his Seattle apartment.
There is so much passion in both these guys. What is it about heroin and rock stars?
As I crawled in the Virtual Dumpster....
I Googled "heroin and rock stars" and got About 1,780,000 results (0.14 seconds)

go figure....?

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