Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Memoirs Of A Minion Of Mephisto

As I crawl in The Virtual Dumpster I call The Internet,

Trick Or Treat memories...
Television would have classic marathons of scary movies. Mephisto with American TV Lenny's Infernor at 11:30 on late Friday gave me an appetite for B rated Horror.

I remember as far back as first grade always finding the Horror Movie slots on our late 60's TV.

Never thought I would reminisce the good ol' days. As I recall, candy was dirt cheap for big sized bars Our Halloween booties would be full of big bars back in the day. It wasn't until the early seventies when sugar went up that candy went up to 15 cents.

I long for that feeling of freedom and candy plunder, A time before milk carton kids and fear of chomos and candy with poison or drugs. We'd just take off with no supervision or fear. It was like a freaking Saturday Evening Post Norman Rockwell.

My costume when I was in 4th grade was a sweatshirt with ketchup and grease. My face painted like I was dead. Wore sneakers and ran from house to house! Passing friends saying hey they are giving out candy bars over there!

I embedded below the first Zombie movie for historical purposes-WHITE ZOMBIE

One of the movies that scared me as a tween -

This movie scared me when I was little The Thing That Couldn't Die

ReAnimator is a must!


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