Thursday, July 2, 2020

Greetings Earthling!

As I crawl in the Virtual Dumpster that IS the Internet...

Enjoy the sounds of Dr. Saxlove. It should be autoplaying as you read.(if you are using Chrome. If not scroll down and start the music before you read. That is the way my blog rolls)

I am spending much time exploring music during all this STAY-AT-HOME Pandemic WTF'ery!

I picked out this treasure and want to share the beauty of the Sax played with the Blues Harp!

My computer handle used to be Princess PMS was created when I first got onto what was the Net in 1985. I would play a text based game called Space Empire Elite. When I attacked another player the message would read "Princess PMS has attacked your planet!" I liked being overtly female. And a destroyer of  Worlds! LOL

I changed my handle in 2000 to Bluezy Susie. It was my login name on Yahoo and MSN. I chose the name because I dabbled in playing the Blues Harp aka Harmonica. [I suffer from The Bluez/Manic Depression as well..but I have a handle on it.]

With all the primitive disrespect that finds the need to use offensive appellation towards the Earthling...When I describe the Homo Sapiens with whom I share this big rock in the Universe... Earthlings is NEVER a misnomer! YES! When I go masked through Walmart, I will greet the greeter and say, "GOOD MORNING EARTHLING!" Yes! From today onward, this will be the way I greet people!

Hope you enjoy the music.
Make Earth your dance partner!

1 comment:

afterthegoldrush said...

Good afternoon, earthling! Thanks for stopping by ATGR earlier today. I'm happy to see you posting again. I think that I will start sporadically posting again. At least, I might have one viewer... ;)